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Childhood Sexual Abuse (CSA)

What is childhood sexual abuse?

When a child or young person is sexually abused, they're forced or tricked into sexual activities. They might not understand that what's happening is abuse or that it's wrong. And they might be afraid to tell someone. Sexual abuse can happen anywhere – and it can happen in person or online.
It's never a child's fault they were sexually abused – it's important to make sure children know this.

Types of sexual abuse

There are 2 types of sexual abuse – contact and non-contact abuse. And sexual abuse can happen in person or online.


Safeguarding children

Labelling. Teaching healthy childhood sexual development starts with labelling body parts. Educators and parents should communicate accurately, without stigma or shame.  The NSPCC pants video will help communicate this with your child.
(see NSPCC's 'PANTS: Underwear rule' video below).

Talk to your child about safe touch and unsafe touch. Ensuring children know who is their trusted individual is.

Listen to your child. Children will find it difficult to tell anyone that they are being abused by an adult or a child. Talking to and listening to your child is the best prevention

Monitor your child for signs that they are not happy. Be alert to the warning signs mentioned in previous video.

Be aware of who’s paying attention to your children and who their friend are. Don’t ignore any unease you feel about people showing interest in your child

Respect your child’s wishes if they don’t want to be with someone or to stay somewhere. Discuss with them why it makes them feel this way

Be share aware online. Explore sites and apps together, talk about how to stay safe online and about what personal information to share.

Talk openly with your child about keeping safe. If your child does confide in you, listen calmly and be reassuring.

©2021 by ANBU.
Abuse Never Becomes Us UK. ANBU UK is a registered UK charity number 1178540

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