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Support For Women

Rape Crisis

Rape Crisis England & Wales is a feminist charity working to end sexual violence and abuse. They will be able to tell you details of your nearest support services. They also provide information for partners, family, friends and other people who are supporting a survivor of sexual violence. They also have a free online chatting service on their website.

Phone: 0808 500 2222 (24/7)



The Refuge National Domestic Abuse Helpline can support you whether you are still living with, planning to leave or have already left your abuser. You can call for free and in confidence anytime. They also have a live chat platform on their website which is live Mon-Fri 3 pm-10 pm or the British Sign Language interpreter service is open Mon-Fri 10 am-6 pm.

womens aid

Women’s Aid is a grassroots federation working together to provide life-saving services in England and build a future where domestic abuse is not tolerated. One of the services they provide is an online chat service with fully trained female support workers.

Southall Black Sisters

If you are a woman or child who is Asian, African-Caribbean or other minority, and you are experiencing domestic or sexual violence (including forced marriage, dowry abuse and honour crimes). Southall Black Sisters provides information, advice, advocacy, practical help, counselling and support in English, Hindi, Punjabi, Gujarati and Urdu (Interpreters are used for other languages).

Phone: 0208 571 0800 (Mon, Wed, Fri 9am-12:30pm & 1:30pm-5pm)



sistah space

Sistah Space supports African and Caribbean heritage women and families affected by domestic abuse whilst also ensuring that cultural factors are not only considered but understood. They aim to ensure that cultural barriers and biases are removed and that our service users are given equal support from us and any other agency they go to for help and are working to improve the violence against women and girls sector and end ignorance around the black experience of domestic abuse.

redbridge borough

Reach Out is Redbridge Council’s new holistic domestic abuse support service for any adult or child aged 16 or over in Redbridge who is experiencing or is at risk of domestic abuse. The service provides help for children and young people as well as addressing perpetrators behaviour.


Solace offers specialist short-term support to women across all levels of risk and provides advice on a range of issues including housing and homelessness, safety, immigration, finances, child-related concerns and mental health.



Advice Line: 

Phone: 0808 802 5565 (Mon-Fri 10am-4pm additional Tue 6pm-8pm)



Rape Crisis helpline:

Phone: 0808 801 0305 (Mon-Fri 10am-2pm, Tue 10am-1pm, 6pm-8pm Wed & Thurs 1pm-5pm)


redbridge borough

Safe2Talk are a non-judgemental space for women and girls in Redbridge who have experienced sexual assault, harassment, or abuse to come and speak one-on-one with female experts including a police officer, domestic abuse advocate, housing officer, immigration specialist, solicitor.
This service is usually on the last Monday of each month at the Fullwell Cross Library in Barkingside and next upcoming sessions can be found on the council’s website.

redbridge borough

The Refuge Eastern European Service is a support service for women and girls affected by gender-based violence and/or abuse within intimate or family relationships. The service is a culturally specific specialist domestic abuse support service run by Eastern European outreach workers who speak Romanian, Russian and Lithuanian. 

Phone: 07909 000 195 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm )


©2021 by ANBU.
Abuse Never Becomes Us UK. ANBU UK is a registered UK charity number 1178540


Complaints and Reporting

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