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We envision a future where Tamil people who have been impacted by childhood sexual abuse can find their voice

To provide healing and empowerment through holistic support, resources and advocacy on behalf of Tamil people impacted by childhood sexual abuse.

ANBU Mission

The ANBU UK Approach


ANBU UK Therapeutic Services

ANBU UK Therapeutic Services_edited.jpg

ANBU UK Delivery Approach 

Connect with Tamil people that have been impacted by childhood sexual abuse, supporting the healing process and providing a platform to be heard. Connecting with the Tamil community through a structured outreach sessions to create awareness and open dialogue on childhood sexual abuse.

Create resources and holistic support material to empower survivors using in-house expertise.  Explore innovative ways of reaching the diverse communities using traditional and non-traditional approaches.

Community. Engaging with existing partners in the community complementing activities by integrating ANBU principles, so together we can strengthen the Tamil community to enable active participation in the healing process.

Compassion. Underlying in all our work is to act with compassion and empathy, we aim to provide a supportive space where survivors are listened to, believed and have access to support.

Describe your image.

A.N.B.U. அன்பு, which loosely translates to Love in Tamil stands for Abuse Never Becomes Us, was set up in March 2016 in Toronto, Canada by ANBU co-founders, Jenny Starke and Tharshiga Elankeeran,  Tamil speaking women with lived experiences of childhood sexual abuse.


Both co-founders have extensive professional experience in trauma support services. Jenny as a registered social worker and peer group facilitator for adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Tharshiga, a substance abuse counselor and also a facilitator for trauma groups with survivors and a certified Acudetox Specialist with NADA that can provide Auricular acupuncture to reduce stress, anxiety, cravings and increase relaxation and cleansing.

They hope with ANBU to create a voice for survivors of childhood sexual abuse and shed light, build capacity, strengthen awareness and compassion within the Tamil community, exploring holistic forms of healing that incorporates the whole. 

Founders of ANBU 

ANBU Canada

©2021 by ANBU.
Abuse Never Becomes Us UK. ANBU UK is a registered UK charity number 1178540

Complaints and Reporting

To see our complaints procedure or make a complaint, please click here.

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